Sunday 5 September 2021

Survey holiday report

This report looks at the result of adults´ answers about summer holiday destinations in relation to their preference when they are travelling. Firstly, comparing the results for men and women. It can be seen that some factors affect both groups more or less equally. For example, there´s no difference in deciding a good local food, price and both of them prefer a friend recommendation where they agree and the result of interesting local culture is only a slight variation. Exist, however, significant differences in the results for other factors. The sports facilities, a place near water and attractive advertisements are far more attractive for men than women. On the other hand, women prefer an interesting culture than men. There are factors which are more important in men than women but both of them prioritize the essential things like price, good food and a good recommendation! In conclusion, men and women are more similar than we can think.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Karin, just remember that when writing reports, writing headings and subheadings is important.
