Tuesday 20 July 2021

What goes around comes around.

 In junior high school  I had "problems' ' with the math teacher because I was the worst in the class. He used to tell me it was a fortune that I knew the difference between 1, 2 and 3 or it was a miracle that I could make ads. I had to stand this for a year  and  by the end of this I had failed the subject . Of course my parents had known everything about this situation  and they went to talk to the principal, he had been thinking that it was all my fault but my classmates told him the things he used to say in front of them about me, and other students  in different grades where  the same situation had also happened. In the end, I passed the extraordinary exam.I kept  studying and improving my skills in math. In high school I participated in a math competition and I was in  the top ten  competitors list . Finally, I finished my degree in engineering of energy and petroleum. Thanks to mygrades and skills I collaborated with a laboratory for my thesis project, and my ex teacher was fired and his license to be a teacher was withdrawn. The point of this is I never did something bad to him, and he treated me badly, and many people thought that it was my fault, even my parents; but the time shows that I always tell the truth, and It could sound bad, but the life gave him back what he did to myself and other students, in a very bad way because he ended up losing his teaching licence. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, as you say, you ended up working hard to overcome the situation and become proficient in math skills, in the same way, it was probably a lesson to the teacher and, if he really learnt from it, it gave him the opportunity to start working in something he really liked. Good job Alesi!
