Tuesday 27 July 2021

My favourite film moment 

My favourite scene is when one day a man was sitting in his porche and suddenly he wanted run, so he stood up, wear his Bubba Gump cap and started to run, later he arrived to the end of Greenbow Country and thought "If I ran until here, I could cross Alabama". When he was hungry he ate, when he was tired he sleept and when he needed go to the bathroom he went. He thought a lot in his mother, Bubba, lieutenant Dan and Jenny. He was on Tv while he was running and they asked him why he was doing that, he answered that he only wanted run. Later people started to follow him. In his way, people asked for help, for example: stikers seller  that needed a slogan was asking  to the runner for an idea when he stepped on poop and he said "sometimes happens" so the man created "shit happens" slogan. Then a t shirt seller was asking to the runner for a design when the runner fall in sludge and cleaned his face with a t shirt, so the seller created the smile design. His mother always said that you need to leave the past before go forward, maybe for that he ran a lot. It is like a lesson in the life. Unexpectedly, an afternoon the runner stopped and he said that he was very tired and that he will go to home.  If you have never seen it, you really should. 

1 comment:

  1. Very good job Fer! I suggest you check your two-verb combinations and decide when the second verb needs "to" or "ing": for example: I want to cry, I enjoy driving. Fixing this, will improve your work a lot!
