Wednesday 21 July 2021

Every cloud has a silver lining

Some days ago a familiar died. We had been fighting about his life insurance and it´s extremely difficult but, all of this is for my grandmother who is the person more affected. We spent hours talking with lawyers and bankers who told us that will be an extensive fight but all would be fix it. These weeks have been awful. Yesterday, we finally got all the money and we made sure that my grandmother is okay. So we see the silver lining and my grandmother will be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Veryinspiring story Karin. Just remember that the correct word to call a family member is "a relative", familiar is an adjective that describes something you know well: I'm familiar with that method. In this case it is more correct to say that you were struggling to get the money rather than fight, fight involves a physical action. Good job.
