Thursday 1 July 2021

Necessity is the mother of invention.

When I was a child my parents gave me a little money for school ($2.50) every day. Of course It was not enough, because like any kid I wanted candies and junk food, so I started a “business “ in class.

I had started to “give money with interest”, so I lent money and in exchange I charged .50 cents for each day that elapsed. With this money I could buy candies and junk food like sabritas, and the sabritas had “tazos” and  all the kids wanted me to share my snacks, so later I was selling them, and I was very happy because  when the school was finally over, I was running to eat my food cravings, which honestly there were completely prohibited to me, so I truly believe that necessity is the mother of invention

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your saying story. It really illustrates how, even at an early age, we have the capacity to find solutions to our problem! Whenever we are given the opportunity to put our skills at work, we?ll do it :)
