Wednesday, 20 October 2021


1. The CEO put his daughter up for the position of company president.

2.  I don't know how she puts up with him.

3. The house they had offered us turned out to be a tiny apartment.

4. It turned out that she was a friend of my sister, I really didn't expect it

5. The reason I love the wine is that really brings out the spicy flavor of the meat.

6. Apple keeps bringing out smaller phones and it makes me feel annoyed

7. Last week I bought a tv but I decided to take it back to the shop because the screen was broken

8. I usually come across something interesting when I watch tv series

9. I visit a friend and I got impressed she came across as a nice girl, she's so cool

10. Yesterday, I had a fight with a friend so today I have to take back my words 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Abraham, check the following:
    1. put somebody up for = let somebody stay in your home for a short time. In this case you should say: "The CEO appointed his daughter President of the company. (you could add) However, I had to put her up for a couple of nights after she argued with him.
    3. Is correct, but you could also say: "It turned out that the house they had offered to us was just a small apartment". In the book they are using "turn out to" = go to watch or be involved in an event: We turned out to enjoy our favourite band's concert"
    7. Your sentence is correct, but also consider the meaning used in the book: Her stories take me back to my childhood"
    9. I visited...just the verb shuld be in past.
    10, good, I would add: "and apologize" or "and tell him I'm sorry"
    Well done Abraham :)
