Space for posting articles, opinions, comments and suggestions from group members.
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
That will be a problem!
Friday, 15 October 2021
Dear Friend,
I was happy to get your invitation about the activities and I'd love to return it. I always have good moments with you, and it looks like a good time for it.
You asked me about the itinerary, I prefer to do a different activity for example to take a walk or just stay at home and watch movies. And obviously, I'd love to accept your party invitation.
The activities that you propose sounds great. Do you know if we'll get gifts for your friends?. I really want to see you as soon as possible.
All the best, K
Monday, 11 October 2021
Excercise 10 A.Informal reply.
Sunday, 10 October 2021
Dear friend.
I was happy to get your email about various activity options and I´d love to come back again, moreover this seems like a great time for it. Certainly, It would be my second time in that city.
On Wednesday, I would rather walk in the hills nearby, it´s
something that I have always enjoyed, and then we could drive out and look at
the scenery.
On Thursday, it would be great to go to your friends' party so I would have a chance to meet them.
As soon as I book my flight, I will let you know. Do you know a place where I can stay? I Will be able to stay for three days.
Can´t wait to hear more about it all.
All the best.
Replying to Corinna
Dear Louise
I was happy to get your email about the music festival, and
I´d love to go. I have always wanted to visit Dublin, and this seems like a
great time for it.
You asked me about concert choices but I didn´t get the link.
It´d be great if you could send it again.
I´d rather see dance
than music. I´d let you know of my specific choices once I see the programme.
Your cousin´s flat sounds excellent! Do you know if it is
in the city centre or on the ourskirts.
I´ll be able to stay
for three days, and I will book a flight once I know the concert dates.
Can´t wait to hear more about it all!
All the best.
Class Exercise
Dear Louise,
I was happy to get your email about the music festival, and I'd love to come. I have always wanted to visit Dublin, and this seems like a great time for it.
You asked me about concert choices but I didn't get the link. It'd be great if you could send it again. I'd rather see dance than music. I'll let you know about my specific choices once I see the programme.
Your cousin's flat sounds excellent. Do you know if it is in the city centre or on the outskirts?
I'll be able to stay for three days, and I will book a flight once I know the concert dates. Can't wait to hear more about it all.
All the best,