Monday, 18 March 2013


If you want to laugh for a while and as a plus, practice your english, click here.
In this site you will find some jokes and riddles.  What I liked about it is that you have the audios besides the scripts.   Listen to as many as you want and let me know which did you enjoy the most.

See you in class next Saturday, please be there on time and try not to miss it.



Hello everyone,
here you have the videos we couldn´t watch in class due to an everyday issue: a technology failure... 
Your duty is now to please give advice to people with this kind of problems by posting your words below.

In this second video you will find a guy who is already giving advice to FWP.
Listen carefully to the 3 concrete pieces of advice and say whether or not they are helpful.
Can you think of any other...?

See you next Saturday, please be there on time and try not to miss classes.

Friday, 1 March 2013


Im going to star with a definition from bullying.- "Persistent, offensive, abusive, intimidating or insulting behaviour, abuse of power or unfair penal sanctions which makes the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable, which undermines their self-confidence and which may cause them to suffer stress"

For me bullying its an important issues that everyone we wetiness in our daily life. A common example   could be in the work when the boss  harassment his employed female or sexual discrimination. Other example that can see or percive now in days its the bullying at the schools when  Men/ famele usually bully other boys in physical ways like pushing, punching, and aggression, whereas females are more likely to spread rumors, talk bad about the person Bullying can also be perpetrated by teachers and the school. So in conclusion i think the bullying its a way to manifest inability to recognise the effect of their behaviour on others or that there could be better ways of behaving.

The global issue of disordered urbanization

The global issue of disordered urbanization

Information taken from the article: ”Urban Planet: How Growing Cities Will Wreck the Environment Unless We Build Them Right”, from:

The issue of the fast and disordered growth of cities is one that affects all the world’s population, because it creates a vast impact in the generation of pollution and consumption of natural resources around the globe.
2008 was an important year in human history, because for the first time more than half of the world’s population was living in towns and cities. A Yale University professor said that today the urban zones occupy around 4% of the surface of earth, but between now and 2030 that percentage will increase to reach a little less than 10% of the surface of the earth. Most of the cities that will show the biggest growth are located in Asia, and they lack adequate urban plans to prevent the chaos and ecological impact that generates this accelerated urbanization process.
One key fact is that urbanization is not bad in itself, in fact, in the developed world their effects prove good for the environment. This is because they put in practice effective urbanization plans. The problems happen when the city growth occurs without order, and that’s the situation of the poorer places in the world.
In the end what the experts say is that we can’t stop the migration of people to the cities. What we need to do is to transform the phenomenon in something more ordered and positive.


I’d have to think really about which of the inventions presented in the book are a good, because in my opinion all of them implies undesirable effects, but I guess that among the most useful is the weather-changing machine, because it may could prevent us from natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, etc.
Guessing what other invention I think might help the world is difficult. I think we need to develop more eco-friendly construction materials and car motors fueled by greener energy.
An invention that would help me at work?, That’s such a good question, I really need a portable machine that could block the signal of my students cell phones!. 
But talking about technology devices already invented I’d say that in my work I couldn’t doing without computers and internet. In fact I need both for my non-professional activities (and the fridge and the telephone are also essential in my domestic life).
What modern inventions I think are overrated?. That’s one tricky. I think that the T.V. and the microwave oven are way overrated and both are very bad for our health and mind!.

An Amazing and natural place that I would like to visit or know is called Marieta Islands located in Nayarit Mexico. It’s a hidden beach where you could see a marine ecosystem, and do many things for have fun like snorkeling and scuba diving  local people coment see sea turttles, manta rays, octopus, wild dolphins, humpback whales and thousands of species of tropical fish around the islands also you could see a variety of birds because that place its  home a lot different kinds of birds . The history of that misterous  place was formed many thousands of years ago by volcanic activity, and are completely uninhabited. The islands are about an hour long boat ride from the coast of Puerto Vallarta.  So one of my goals a short time its have a good vacations in that marvelous place in Mexico. I can see me and resting the next summer.

Classic Vinyls 4 You!

Classic Vinyls 4 You!
I offer you a wide selection of gorgeous second-hand classic LP’s, all in excellent conditions. Choose from a variety of genres and artists at affordable prices from $100 to $250 (I accept U.S. dollars too). Take this one of a kind opportunity and start now your vinyl album collection!